The History of the Nova Scotia Colony of Mayflower Descendants: In mid-2004, Canadian Mayflower Society member Ed Morrisey contacted the Canadian Society of Mayflower Descendants and inquired about forming a Colony in the Province of Nova Scotia. Susan Roser, the Canadian Society of Mayflower Descendant’s Historian suggested David Allen and Ed Morrisey contact each of the names that were on the list of members in Nova Scotia who had documented their lines, which was sent by Susan , asking if there was sufficient interest in starting a Nova Scotia Colony. He was very happy to be able to say that the results were most promising. The group next had to get some by-laws, Susan sent a draft copy and an agenda, which were to be our guide. We had 19 positive petitions, 4 more than the required 15. The first organizational meeting was held 11 September 2004 in Dartmouth during which interim officers were appointed: Ed Morrisey, Interim Regent, David Allen, Interim Secretary/Treasurer, Gordon Wood, Interim Vice Regent, and Eleanor Smith, Interim Historian. At a second organizational meeting, 23 October 2004 in Lunenburg, the By-Laws were discussed and Ed Morrisey stepped down as Interim Regent and Gordon Wood filled that position. At that meeting it was agreed that there was a commitment to start a Nova Scotia Colony of Mayflower Descendants. Forming Executive

The next meeting, the first regular meeting of the Nova Scotia Colony of Mayflower Descendants, was held on 30 April 2005 in Liverpool with a large attendance of 32 interested people plus Joyce Cutler, Governor of the Canadian Society of Mayflower Descendants and Susan Roser, Deputy Governor and Historian, of the Canadian Society of Mayflower Descendants. Since then the Nova Scotia Colony has held two meetings a year at different localities to enable those in different areas to attend. The Colony is also accepting associate members who have a vote but can’t fill the position of Regent, by virtue of being members , but not of documented ancestry from the Mayflower passengers. The Nova Scotia Colony has held meetings at Bridgewater, Kentville, Yarmouth, Halifax, Annapolis Royal, Truro, Shelburne, Liverpool, Wolfville, Middleton, Port Maitland, Barrington and Mahone Bay. Objectives of the Nova Scotia Colony of Mayflower Descendants is expressed in our Mission Statement: The Mission of the Nova Scotia Mayflower Colony is to educate, inform and inspire people about Nova Scotia's Mayflower heritage.
Click here for a .pdf file of the past minutes of previous meetings.